Alireza Hashemian, MS

Managing Accident Reconstrucionist

Alireza Hashemian is a Managing Accident Reconstructionist at Explico. During his two years of graduate study, Mr. Hashemian conducted research in the area of vehicle dynamics and stability. Mathematical modeling of instabilities in articulated vehicles, unstable due to mass distribution, and analyzing the physics of vehicle rollover through mathematical modeling and examination of empirical data from rollovers. Research in the areas of heat transfer and thermal science including design and construction of an evaporative cooler while utilizing misting nozzles and high-pressure pumps to improve the efficiency of cooling. Computer programing to obtain temperature distribution for Finite 2D elements. Designed, built, and programmed a robotic arm with five degrees of freedom.

Animating for television commercials using three-dimensional modeling, animation, rendering, lighting, camera tracking and editing. Computer simulation, animation, photogrammetry, and video analysis to investigate and analyze accidents. Mr. Hashemian is responsible for the “Photogrammetry and Analysis of Digital Media” course instruction and curriculum development, which is sponsored by the Society of Automotive Engineers. The content of this ACTAR accredited course includes photogrammetry, video analysis, video tracking, and digital media analysis. 

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